Dear Stakeholder,
I am pleased to introduce our Corporate Governance Statement, which explains how Urban Village Holdings Limited’s governance framework supports the principles of integrity, strong ethical values and professionalism integral to our business. The Board recognises that we are accountable to stakeholders for good corporate governance, and this report, together with the Reports of the Auditors seeks to demonstrate our commitment to high standards of governance that are recognised and understood by all.
Good governance depends on good and effective leadership and a healthy corporate culture, supported by robust systems and processes and a good understanding of risk and risk appetite.
We aim to stay abreast of developments in good governance and practice, and have well-developed plans to ensure that we will meet the standards of the UK Corporate Governance Code. This includes making sure our purpose, vision and values are clearly articulated, and that we have in place effective channels of engagement with our workforce, shareholders and stakeholders. The Board is involved in setting measurable objectives to promote a healthy corporate culture that is aligned with strategy and delivers on our commitment to “The UV Way” and the principles of sustainability and trust that are the hallmark of our business. The reports of our Board Committees show how our policies and processes have been applied and developed since incorporation in a way that remains consistent with our values and strategy, focusing on engagement, operational improvement, and reward and incentive structures, ensuring progress can be measured and monitored appropriately and promoting a business that is resilient, responsible and alive to opportunity.
UV’s policy is that no employee, job applicant or stakeholder will be treated less favourably on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, gender (including gender reassignment), pregnancy, marital or civil partner status, sexual orientation, religious belief, age or disability, or on any other grounds which cannot be justified on job related terms. We do not discriminate on grounds of age, gender or background, and we are committed to equality within our business and in our dealings with other organisations. These policy principles are supported by our Equal Opportunities Policy.
This Corporate Governance Statement has been prepared in accordance with the principles of the UK Corporate Governance Code dated April 2016 (the “2016 Code”), but also recognises the recommendations in the new UK Corporate Governance Code dated July 2018 which applies to the financial year 2019. The Board has carried out a review of how the 2016 Code principles have been applied, and considers that the Company has complied with the relevant provisions of the 2016 Code throughout the year in all material respects. The Company has also made good progress towards implementing the provisions of the 2018 Code and is supportive of the changes that will result from the application of that new Code.
Nick Sellman
Chief Executive
Urban Village Holdings Limited